Data Breaches

Awareness Training by RGPD.CO

You must understand what personal data breaches are to be able to identify if they happen.
Data Breach

This course will teach you to identify and respond to personal data breaches, and specifically:

  • Understand the definition of a personal data breach and its potential impacts.
  • Identify common causes of data breaches.
  • Recognize signs of a potential data breach.
  • How to respond to a potential data breach.
  • Learn about a company’s role and responsibilities in the event of a data breach.

The chances of you being the one either causing or identifying a data breach are small, but the impact you could have on your organization by identifying a data breach if it happens and responding immediately is significant

Video 1: What is a Data Breach?

Data is processed everywhere, all the time, and is therefore at more risk than ever. Knowing what a data breach is and how it is relevant to your daily work is important.

Video 1 What is a Data Breach

Video 2: Identification of Data Breaches.

You must learn to recognize the signs of a data breach to prevent it from happening. In this lesson, we will cover how data breaches occur and some indicators of them.

2.2 Data Breach Identification of a Data Breach

Video 3: Responding to Data Breaches.

You must respond quickly to data breaches to contain them, and so your organisation can comply with the legal requirements of the GDPR, which is the topic of this lesson.

2.3 Data Breach Responding to Data Breaches

Identifying personal data breaches is crucial as it enables your organization to respond effectively and to fulfil its legal obligations. Your vigilance and prompt action are key to helping your organization manage data breaches efficiently and in compliance with regulations.

Awareness Training

Ensure that your entire company is equipped with the necessary awareness training on the basics of GDPR and IT security.

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