+200 Examples of Processing Activities

200 examples of processing activities (RGPD.COM)
The GDPR introduces the term "processing activities," which is important for GDPR compliance as your organisation must maintain a record of its processing activities.

+200 Examples of Processing Activities

Understanding this term is essential not only for compliance but also for actively protecting personal information throughout these processes.

What is a Processing Activity?

Before listing the 200+ examples of processing activities, it is important to define the term “processing activity.”


Article 4(2) of the GDPR defines a processing to be “any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction”.

In simpler terms, a processing activity refers to any action that involves handling personal data.

Common Processing Activities

Most organisations engage in a set of standard processing activities, particularly in administrative areas such as Human Resources, Finance, and Information Technology. Examples include the processing of employee salary information or the management of client invoices. These activities are common across most organisations.

In this article, we aim to provide more specific examples of processing activities that may vary between sectors and types of organisations.


Below, you will find over 200 examples of processing activities from 52 types of organisations across 20 different sectors. These examples serve to illustrate the nature of processing activities in various organisational contexts. 

Each example includes a description of the process, as well as the types of personal data involved, to help clarify how processing activities are applied in different scenarios.

Healthcare Sector

The healthcare sector processes a large amount of sensitive personal information, including medical records and health data. This sector is highly regulated due to the nature of the data and the need to protect patient privacy and confidentiality.


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Patient registrationCollecting and managing patient personal information during the admission process.Name, address, date of birth, medical history, contact information
Medical records managementMaintaining and updating patient health records and histories.Name, medical history, treatment records, diagnostic results
Appointment schedulingManaging patient appointments and scheduling consultations.Name, contact information, appointment details
BillingProcessing patient invoices and insurance claims.Name, address, billing information, insurance details
Clinical trialsCollecting and analyzing data from clinical research participants.Name, medical history, treatment details, research data


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Patient consultationsRecording and managing data from patient visits and treatments.Name, medical history, treatment records, diagnostic results
DiagnosticsManaging test results and diagnostic information.Name, diagnostic results, medical history
Prescription managementHandling prescription information and medication dispensation records.Name, prescription details, medical history
Follow-up careTracking patient progress and follow-up visits.Name, treatment records, medical history
Insurance claimsProcessing insurance information and claims for treatments.Name, insurance details, treatment records, billing information

Medical Research Institution

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Participant recruitmentCollecting and managing data of individuals participating in research studies.Name, contact information, demographic information
Data anonymizationRemoving identifiable information from data sets to protect participant privacy.Name, address, date of birth
Trial monitoringTracking the progress and compliance of research studies.Name, treatment details, research data
Result analysisAnalyzing data collected from research for outcomes and insights.Name, treatment details, research data
Publication of findingsPreparing and disseminating research results in scientific publications.Name, research data

Finance Sector

The financial sector is yet another sector with several legal requirements, forcing the industry to stay vigilant in its compliance. In terms of the GDPR, the sector is processing much personal data of a confidential nature, which would generally increase the risk to the data subjects. This, in turn, should prompt financial institutions to implement significant security measures to safeguard the processing of personal data.


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Account creationCollecting personal information to open and manage customer bank accounts.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, ID documents, financial information
Transaction monitoringTracking and analyzing customer transactions for security and compliance.Name, account number, transaction details, financial information, location data
Loan processingHandling personal and financial data for loan applications and approvals.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, financial information, employment details, credit history
Customer service interactionsManaging customer queries and service requests.Name, contact information, account details, service request details
Fraud detectionMonitoring and analyzing data to detect and prevent fraudulent activities.Name, account number, transaction details, location data, device information

Insurance Company

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Policy issuanceCollecting and managing data to create and manage insurance policies.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, health information, financial information
Claims processingHandling data related to insurance claims and reimbursements.Name, policy number, claim details, health information, financial information
Risk assessmentAnalyzing customer data to evaluate insurance risks.Name, health information, financial information, policy details
Customer profilingCollecting and analyzing data to understand customer needs and preferences.Name, contact information, policy details, behavioral data, demographic information
Premium calculationsUsing customer data to calculate insurance premiums.Name, health information, financial information, policy details

Investment Firm

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Portfolio managementManaging client investment portfolios and related data.Name, contact information, financial information, investment details
Client risk assessmentEvaluating client financial data to assess investment risks.Name, financial information, investment details, risk tolerance
Performance reportingGenerating reports on investment performance for clients.Name, financial information, investment performance data
Compliance checksMonitoring data to ensure regulatory compliance.Name, financial information, transaction details, compliance data
Trade executionHandling data related to buying and selling of securities.Name, financial information, transaction details, investment details

Education Sector

The education sector mainly processes non-sensitive personal data, like students’ names, grades, and attendance records. However, it also handles sensitive information, such as health records and special needs details. While not highly regulated like finance, it still follows specific guidelines to ensure the privacy and security of students’ information.


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Student enrollmentCollecting and managing data for student admissions and registrations.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, previous education records
Attendance trackingRecording and managing student attendance data.Name, student ID, attendance records, class schedule
Grade reportingCollecting and managing student academic performance records.Name, student ID, academic records, grades, teacher comments
Parent communicationManaging communication records between school and parents.Name, parent contact information, communication history
Special education recordsHandling data related to special education needs and services.Name, student ID, special education needs, service plans


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Admissions processingCollecting and managing data for university admissions.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, academic records, test scores
Course registrationManaging student course enrollment and schedules.Name, student ID, course selections, class schedule
Library access managementHandling data for student access to library resources.Name, student ID, library usage records
Alumni relationsCollecting and managing data on alumni for engagement and communication.Name, contact information, graduation details, employment information
Research data handlingManaging data collected from academic research projects.Name, research data, consent forms, participant information

Online Learning Platform

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
User account creationCollecting and managing data for user accounts on the platform.Name, email address, user ID, password
Progress trackingMonitoring and recording user progress through courses.Name, user ID, course progress, grades
Content personalizationUsing data to customize learning content for users.Name, user ID, learning preferences, course selections
Certification issuanceManaging data related to course completion and certification.Name, user ID, course completion records, certification details
Feedback collectionCollecting user feedback and managing related data.Name, user ID, feedback, survey responses

Retail Sector

The retail sector primarily processes non-sensitive personal data, such as customer names, contact details, and purchase histories. While not highly regulated, it still must comply with GDPR to protect customer privacy and ensure data security.

E-commerce Company

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Order processingCollecting and managing data for customer orders and transactions.Name, address, contact information, order details, payment information
Customer account managementHandling data related to customer accounts and profiles.Name, email address, contact information, purchase history, preferences
Payment transactionsProcessing payment information and transactions.Name, address, payment information, transaction details
Marketing analyticsCollecting and analyzing data for marketing and sales strategies.Name, email address, browsing history, purchase history, demographic information
Delivery trackingManaging data for tracking order deliveries and shipments.Name, address, contact information, delivery status, tracking number

Brick-and-Mortar Store

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Loyalty program managementCollecting and managing data for customer loyalty programs.Name, email address, purchase history, loyalty points, contact information
Point-of-sale transactionsHandling data for in-store sales and transactions.Name, payment information, transaction details, product information
Inventory trackingManaging data related to inventory levels and stock management.Product details, stock levels, supplier information
Customer feedback collectionCollecting and analyzing customer feedback and reviews.Name, contact information, feedback details, purchase history
Employee schedulingManaging data related to employee work schedules and shifts.Name, employee ID, work schedules, shift details

Supply Chain Management

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Supplier data managementCollecting and managing data related to suppliers and vendors.Supplier name, contact information, contract details, performance metrics
Order fulfillmentHandling data for processing and fulfilling orders.Order details, supplier information, delivery schedules
Logistics coordinationManaging data for coordinating logistics and transportation.Shipment details, carrier information, delivery status
Warehouse managementCollecting and managing data for warehouse operations and inventory.Inventory levels, stock locations, warehouse employee details
Delivery schedulingHandling data for scheduling and tracking deliveries.Delivery details, schedules, tracking numbers

Public Sector

The public sector often handles all kinds of personal information about anyone, including health records and social services data. There are almost endless examples of different processing activities that could be carried out in the public sector, as many such services are citizen-focused. 

Local Agency

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Citizen registrationCollecting and managing personal information for citizen registration.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, national ID number
Service provisionHandling data related to the provision of local government services.Name, address, contact information, service details
Public records managementManaging and storing public records and documents.Name, address, contact information, document details
Tax collectionCollecting and managing data related to local tax payments and assessments.Name, address, tax ID number, income details, payment history
Regulatory complianceMonitoring and ensuring compliance with local regulations.Name, contact information, compliance records, audit details

State Agency

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Program enrollmentCollecting and managing data for state program registrations.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, program details
Benefits distributionHandling data for distributing state benefits and services.Name, address, contact information, benefit details, payment information
Law enforcement data handlingCollecting and managing data for law enforcement activities.Name, address, contact information, criminal records, investigation details
LicensingProcessing data related to state licensing and permits.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, license details
Infrastructure managementManaging data related to state infrastructure projects and maintenance.Project details, contractor information, schedule details

Federal Agency

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
National security data processingHandling data related to national security and intelligence.Name, address, contact information, national ID number, security clearance details
Policy implementationCollecting and managing data for implementing federal policies.Name, contact information, policy details, implementation status
International data sharingManaging data related to international cooperation and agreements.Name, contact information, agreement details, international partner details
Immigration recordsCollecting and managing data for immigration and citizenship applications.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, immigration status
National censusCollecting and processing data for national population censuses.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, demographic details

Telecommunications Sector

Within the telecommunications industry, both sensitive and non-sensitive personal data, such as call logs, messages, and location data, are processed. Because this sector handles information extensively, it is subject to strict regulations. 

Internet Service Provider

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Subscriber data managementCollecting and managing subscriber personal and usage data.Name, address, contact information, usage data, subscription details
Bandwidth monitoringMonitoring and analyzing data related to network bandwidth usage.Name, address, usage data, device information
BillingProcessing data for subscriber billing and payments.Name, address, payment information, billing details
Service quality trackingCollecting and analyzing data to monitor service quality.Name, address, usage data, service quality metrics
Customer support logsManaging data related to customer support interactions and issues.Name, contact information, support ticket details, issue details

Phone Company

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Call detail recordsCollecting and managing data for call detail records and usage.Name, phone number, call details, duration, location data
Subscriber identity verificationVerifying and managing subscriber identity information.Name, address, date of birth, contact information, national ID number
Service provisioningHandling data for provisioning and managing phone services.Name, phone number, service details, provisioning status
Usage analyticsCollecting and analyzing data on phone usage patterns.Name, phone number, usage data, location data
Complaint handlingManaging data related to customer complaints and resolutions.Name, contact information, complaint details, resolution status

Cable Provider

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Channel subscription managementCollecting and managing data for channel subscriptions and packages.Name, address, contact information, subscription details
Service installation schedulingHandling data for scheduling and managing service installations.Name, address, contact information, installation details
Content deliveryManaging data for delivering content to subscribers.Name, address, contact information, subscription details, usage data
Technical support logsCollecting and managing data related to technical support interactions.Name, contact information, support ticket details, issue details
Customer satisfaction trackingCollecting and analyzing data on customer satisfaction.Name, contact information, survey responses, feedback details

Legal Services

In the legal services sector, personal data is processed in a wide range of activities, from client consultations to court filings. This data includes sensitive client information, case details, and legal documents. Due to the confidential and sensitive nature of legal work, strict rules and regulations govern how law firms and notaries handle and protect personal data to ensure privacy and confidentiality while providing their services.

Law Firm

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Case file managementCollecting and managing data for client case files and legal documents.Name, address, contact information, case details, legal documents
Client consultationsHandling data related to client consultations and advice.Name, contact information, consultation details, legal issues
Evidence handlingCollecting and managing evidence and related data for cases.Name, evidence details, case information, witness statements
Court filingsPreparing and managing data for court filings and submissions.Name, case details, court documents, filing dates
Legal researchCollecting and analyzing data for legal research and case preparation.Name, case details, legal precedents, research findings

Public Notary

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Document notarizationHandling data for notarizing legal documents.Name, document details, notary information, witness signatures
Witness attestationsCollecting and managing data for witness attestations and statements.Name, contact information, attestation details, witness statements
Client identity verificationVerifying client identity for legal transactions.Name, address, date of birth, national ID number, contact information
Record keepingMaintaining records of notarized documents and transactions.Name, document details, notary information, transaction records
Compliance checksMonitoring and ensuring compliance with legal requirements for notarization.Name, compliance details, regulatory requirements, audit records

Technology Sector

Tech companies handle a wide range of personal data to create and maintain their products. This can include anything from user data for software improvements to information needed for security responses. Whether it’s a large software company or a startup, personal data is used for delivering services and keeping operations running.

Software Development Company

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
User data collectionCollecting data from users for software development and improvement.Name, email address, usage data, feedback details
Software updatesManaging data related to software updates and patches.Name, user ID, software version, update details
Bug trackingCollecting and managing data on software bugs and issues.Name, user ID, bug reports, issue details
User feedback analysisCollecting and analyzing user feedback for product improvement.Name, email address, feedback details, usage data
Licensing managementHandling data related to software licensing and user agreements.Name, user ID, license details, agreement terms

IT Service Provider

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Client network monitoringMonitoring and managing data related to client network performance.Name, network details, performance metrics, issue reports
Data backupCollecting and managing data for backup and recovery services.Name, backup details, data volume, recovery logs
Security incident responseHandling data related to security incidents and response actions.Name, incident details, response actions, impact assessment
User access managementManaging data related to user access and permissions.Name, user ID, access levels, permission details

Tech Startup

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
User managementManaging users dataUsername, email, online behaviour, logs.
Product developmentCollecting and managing data for product development and innovation.Name, project details, development data, feedback
User testingHandling data from user testing and beta programs.Name, user ID, testing data, feedback
Investor relationsCollecting and managing data for investor communications and relations.Name, contact information, investment details, communication records

Manufacturing Sector

In the manufacturing sector, personal data is processed across various operational areas, from employee time tracking to managing vendor relationships. This data helps factories and industrial companies manage their workforce, ensure product quality, and maintain efficient supply chains.


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Employee time trackingCollecting and managing data related to employee work hours.Name, employee ID, work hours, attendance records
Production data loggingHandling data related to production processes and output.Production details, output data, process logs
Quality control checksCollecting and analyzing data for quality control processes.Name, product details, inspection records, quality metrics
Shipment schedulingManaging data for scheduling and tracking shipments.Name, shipment details, schedule, tracking numbers
Vendor managementCollecting and managing data related to vendors and suppliers.Name, vendor details, contact information, contract terms

Industrial Company

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Contract managementCollecting and managing data for contracts and agreements.Name, contract details, party information, legal terms
Supply chain trackingHandling data related to supply chain logistics and tracking.Supply chain details, shipment data, tracking numbers, contact details.
Compliance auditsCollecting and analyzing data for compliance audits and inspections.Name, audit details, compliance records, inspection reports

Energy Sector

The energy sector processes a significant amount of personal data, particularly when it comes to customer billing, usage monitoring, and service requests. Utility companies and renewable energy firms rely on this data to manage services, maintain infrastructure, and engage with customers.

Utility Company

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Customer billingCollecting and managing data for customer billing and payments.Name, address, contact information, billing details, payment information
Usage monitoringMonitoring and analyzing data related to energy usage.Name, address, usage data, meter readings
Service requestsManaging data related to customer service requests and inquiries.Name, address, contact information, service request details

Renewable Energy Firm

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Equipment maintenance logsCollecting and managing data for equipment maintenance and inspections.Equipment details, maintenance logs, inspection records, 
Customer outreachManaging data for customer engagement and outreach programs.Name, contact information, engagement details, outreach records

Transportation Sector

The transportation sector processes a variety of personal data to manage services, whether it’s booking flights, tracking cargo, or selling tickets. Airlines, transportation companies, and public transportation providers handle customer information, service records, and scheduling data to ensure efficient operations and service delivery.


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Passenger bookingCollecting and managing data for flight bookings and reservations.Name, contact information, flight details, payment information
Loyalty program managementCollecting and managing data for frequent flyer programs.Name, contact information, loyalty points, flight history
In-flight service recordsManaging data related to in-flight services and customer preferences.Name, flight details, service preferences, order details
Crew schedulingCollecting and managing data for crew scheduling and assignments.Name, crew ID, schedule details, assignment details

Transportation Company

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Cargo trackingCollecting and managing data for tracking cargo shipments.Cargo details, tracking numbers, shipment status
Customs documentationHandling data for customs clearance and documentation.Name, contact information, cargo details, customs documentation
Delivery confirmationsManaging data for confirming deliveries and tracking shipment status.Delivery details, confirmation status, tracking numbers
Fleet maintenance recordsCollecting and managing data for fleet maintenance and inspections.Fleet details, maintenance logs, inspection records

Public Transportation Provider

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Ticket salesCollecting and managing data for ticket sales and reservations.Name, contact information, ticket details, payment information
Passenger feedbackCollecting and analyzing data from passenger feedback and surveys.Name, contact information, feedback details, survey responses
Incident reportingManaging data related to incidents and service disruptions.Incident details, service disruption data, resolution status
Check-in/out Managing passengers check-in’s and check-outs.Timestamps, account information, ID


In the hospitality sector, personal data is central to managing guest services, from hotel reservations to room service requests. Hotels and travel agencies process a range of data to ensure positive guest experiences, including booking details, payment information, and event planning logistics. 


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Guest reservationsCollecting and managing data for hotel bookings and reservations.Name, contact information, reservation details, payment information
Check-in/check-outHandling data for guest check-in and check-out processes.Name, contact information, reservation details, payment information
Room service ordersCollecting and managing data for room service requests and orders.Name, room number, service details, order details
Loyalty program managementManaging data for guest loyalty programs and rewards.Name, contact information, loyalty points, stay history
Event planningCollecting and managing data for planning and organizing events.Name, contact information, event details, scheduling

Travel Agency

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Trip bookingsCollecting and managing data for travel bookings and reservations.Name, contact information, travel details, payment information
Customer itinerariesHandling data for customer travel itineraries and plans.Name, contact information, itinerary details
Visa application assistanceCollecting and managing data for visa applications and processing.Name, contact information, visa details, application status
Travel insurance managementHandling data related to travel insurance policies and claims.Name, contact information, insurance policy details, claim status
Tour coordinationCollecting and managing data for coordinating tours and excursions.Name, contact information, tour details, payment information

Media Industry

In the media industry, personal data is widely used to manage content, track viewer preferences, and deliver targeted advertisements. Whether it’s scheduling TV shows, analyzing audience engagement, or managing online content platforms, data is used  shape the way media is delivered. 


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Content schedulingCollecting and managing data for scheduling TV programs and shows.Show details, scheduling information, audience data
Viewer analyticsAnalyzing data on viewer preferences and ratings.Viewer demographics, viewing habits, ratings data, interviews.
Advertising salesHandling data related to advertising sales and placements.Advertiser information, contract details, placement schedules
Talent managementCollecting and managing data for managing talent and contracts.Talent information, contract details, performance records

Online Content Platform

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
User content uploadsCollecting and managing data for user-generated content uploads.User ID, content details, upload timestamps
Engagement analyticsAnalyzing data on user engagement and interaction with content.User ID, engagement metrics, interaction data
Content moderationMonitoring and managing data for content moderation and compliance.User ID, content details, moderation actions
Subscription managementCollecting and managing data for user subscriptions and billing.User ID, subscription details, billing information
Advertising targetingAnalyzing data to target advertisements based on user preferences.User ID, preference data, browsing history

Real Estate

The real estate sector processes a range of personal, from managing tenant applications and lease agreements to handling property transactions and inspections. Property management companies, real estate agencies, and construction firms rely on this data for its operations.

Property Management Company

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Tenant applicationsCollecting and managing data for tenant applications and screenings.Name, contact information, rental history, credit check data
Lease agreementsHandling data for drafting and managing lease agreements.Name, contact information, lease terms, property details
Maintenance requestsCollecting and managing data for property maintenance and repair requests.Name, contact information, maintenance issue details
Rent collectionHandling data for collecting and managing rent payments.Name, contact information, payment details, rental property information
Property inspectionsCollecting and managing data for property inspections and assessments.Property details, inspection reports, incident reports.

Real Estate Agency

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Buyer inquiriesCollecting and managing data for buyer inquiries and property showings.Name, contact information, property details, inquiry details
Property listingsHandling data for creating and managing property listings.Property details, listing information, photos, contact information.
Transaction recordsCollecting and managing data for real estate transactions and sales.Name, contact information, transaction details, financial information
Client communicationsManaging data related to communications with clients and prospects.Name, contact information, communication history

Construction Firm

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Project planningCollecting and managing data for construction project planning and scheduling.Project details, stakeholders, participants.
Contractor managementHandling data related to managing contractors and subcontractors.Contractor information, contract details, performance metrics
Safety compliance recordsCollecting and managing data for safety compliance and inspections.Safety inspection reports, compliance data, incident records
Material sourcingHandling data for sourcing and procuring construction materials.Supplier information, material details, procurement records


Nonprofit organizations also handle personal data, from managing donor relationships to coordinating volunteers and running advocacy campaigns.


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Donor managementCollecting and managing data for donor relationships and contributions.Name, contact information, donation history, communication preferences
Fundraising campaign trackingHandling data for managing and tracking fundraising campaigns.Campaign details, donor information, contribution amounts
Volunteer coordinationCollecting and managing data for coordinating volunteer activities.Name, contact information, volunteer availability, activity details
Event planningHandling data for planning and organizing charity events.Event details, attendee information, scheduling
Beneficiary recordsCollecting and managing data for beneficiaries and program recipients.Name, contact information, beneficiary details, program participation


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Grant applicationsCollecting and managing data for grant applications and funding requests.Applicant information, participants data, grant details.
Project funding allocationHandling data for allocating and managing project funds.Project details, funding amounts, allocation records
Impact assessmentCollecting and analyzing data for assessing project impacts and outcomes.Project details, interviews, impact data, outcome analysis
Stakeholder reportingManaging data for reporting to stakeholders and donors.Stakeholder information, report details, communication history

Advocacy Group

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Member engagementCollecting and managing data for engaging and communicating with members.Name, contact information, membership details, engagement history
Lobbying activity trackingHandling data for tracking lobbying activities and efforts.Lobbying details, activity records, communication history
Campaign managementCollecting and managing data for managing advocacy campaigns.Campaign details, participant information, communication records
Event coordinationCollecting and managing data for organizing advocacy events and activities.Event details, attendee information, scheduling

Pharmaceutical Sector

The pharmaceutical industry process sensitive personal data, particularly in clinical trials and drug safety reporting. Such sensitive health data is handled to ensure the safety and effectiveness of drugs, managing participant records, and complying with regulatory submissions. 

Drug Manufacturer

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Clinical trial dataCollecting and managing data from clinical trials and studies.Participant name, contact information, medical history, trial data
Regulatory submissionsHandling data for submitting information to regulatory agencies.Regulatory documents, compliance data, submission records
Adverse event reportingCollecting and managing data for reporting adverse drug reactions and events.Participant name, contact information, adverse event details

Research Lab

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Experiment dataCollecting and managing data from scientific experiments and studies.Experiment details, results, researcher information
Participant recordsHandling data related to research participants and subjects.Participant name, contact information, consent forms
Funding managementCollecting and managing data for managing research funding and grants.Funding details, grant applications, financial information
Publication submissionsHandling data for submitting research findings to journals and publications.Research data, publication details, author information
Equipment usage logsCollecting and managing data for tracking research equipment usage.Equipment details, usage logs, maintenance records

Biotech Company

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Genetic data analysisCollecting and analyzing genetic data for research and development.Genetic data, participant information, analysis results
Patent applicationsHandling data for filing and managing patent applications.Patent details, applicant information, legal documents
Product development trackingCollecting and managing data for tracking biotech product development.Product details, development stages, testing data
Collaboration managementCollecting and managing data for managing research collaborations and partnerships.Partner information, collaboration details, communication records

Human Resources

In HR, data management revolves around handling recruitment, employment histories, performance reviews, and benefits administration. Whether within a recruitment agency or an internal HR team, personal data is used to help organisations find talent, support employee development, and ensure compliance with employment laws. 

Recruitment Firm

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Candidate interviewsCollecting and managing data for conducting candidate interviews.Candidate name, contact information, interview details
Resume screeningHandling data for screening and evaluating resumes.Candidate name, contact information, resume details
Job placement trackingCollecting and managing data for tracking job placements and hires.Candidate name, employer information, job details
Employer feedbackManaging data related to feedback from employers and clients.Employer name, contact information, feedback details
Background checksCollecting and managing data for conducting candidate background checks.Candidate name, contact information, background check details

HR Department

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Employee recordsCollecting and managing data for employee personal and work records.Employee name, contact information, employment history, personal details
Benefits administrationHandling data for managing employee benefits and entitlements.Employee name, contact information, benefit details
Performance evaluationsCollecting and managing data for employee performance reviews and evaluations.Employee name, contact information, performance review data
Training recordsManaging data related to employee training and development.Employee name, training details, completion records
Recruitment dataCollecting and managing data for recruitment and hiring processes.Candidate name, contact information, recruitment details


The automotive industry uses personal data in a highly practical, service-driven way, from overseeing car production and vehicle sales to managing customer warranties and service appointments. It enables manufacturers, dealerships, and repair shops to optimise everything for their customers, from vehicle quality control to enhancing the customer experience.

Car Manufacturer

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Production schedulingHandling data for scheduling and managing production processes.Production schedule, resource allocation, manufacturing details
Quality control recordsCollecting and managing data for quality control and inspections.Quality control data, inspection reports, compliance records
Dealer communicationsManaging data related to communications with car dealerships.Dealer name, contact information, communication records
Warranty claimsCollecting and managing data for processing vehicle warranty claims.Customer name, contact information, warranty details


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Sales transactionsCollecting and managing data for vehicle sales and transactions.Customer name, contact information, transaction details, payment information
Customer test drivesHandling data for scheduling and managing customer test drives.Customer name, contact information, test drive details
Financing applicationsCollecting and managing data for processing vehicle financing applications.Customer name, contact information, financial information, application details
Service appointmentsCollecting and managing data for scheduling and managing service appointments.Customer name, contact information, service details

Auto Repair Shop

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Repair ordersCollecting and managing data for vehicle repair orders and services.Customer name, contact information, vehicle details, repair information
TrackingMonitoring and tracking performance and GPS data.Geolocation data, license plate number, driver’s behaviour
Service recordsCollecting and managing data for maintaining vehicle service history.Customer name, contact information, service history
Customer feedbackManaging data related to customer feedback and satisfaction.Customer name, contact information, feedback details
Technician schedulingCollecting and managing data for scheduling and managing technician work shifts.Technician name, contact information, schedule details


Clothing brands manage supplier information and production schedules, while designers gather personal preferences during client consultations. Retailers focus on customer-facing data, handling loyalty programmes and analysing purchasing trends. This is a sector where personal tastes and marketing strategies merge, with brands and retailers working to craft personalised shopping experiences.

Clothing Brand

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Design sketchesCollecting and managing data for fashion design sketches and ideas.Designer name, design details, sketch images
Production planningHandling data for planning and managing clothing production.Production schedules, resource allocation, supplier information
Sales trackingCollecting and managing data for tracking sales performance.Sales data, product details, revenue information
Marketing campaignsManaging data related to fashion marketing and advertising campaigns.Target audience data, interviews, advertising materials
Supplier managementCollecting and managing data for sourcing and managing suppliers.Supplier name, contact information, contract details

Retail Store

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Sales transactionsHandling data for processing sales and transactions in-store.Customer name, contact information, transaction details, payment information
Customer loyalty programsManaging data for customer loyalty programs and rewards.Customer name, contact information, purchase history, loyalty points
In-store promotionsCollecting and managing data for planning and executing in-store promotions.Promotion details, product information, sales data
Employee schedulesCollecting and managing data for scheduling and managing employee work shifts.Employee name, contact information, work schedules

Fashion Designer

Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Client consultationsCollecting and managing data for client consultations and design preferences.Client name, contact information, design preferences
Material sourcingHandling data for sourcing and managing fashion materials.Supplier name, contact information.
Design portfoliosCollecting and managing data for maintaining design portfolios and collections.Designer name, design details, portfolio images
Fashion show planningManaging data for planning and organizing fashion shows.Event details, participant information, scheduling
Brand collaborationsCollecting and managing data for managing collaborations with other brands.Partner name, contact information, collaboration details

Food and Beverage

Restaurants manage reservations, orders, and payments, while supermarkets process transactions and oversee loyalty programmes. In supplier management personal data is also processed as businesses rely on accurate data to maintain stock levels and ensure timely deliveries at their customers locations. Here, operational data and customer preferences combine to streamline service and improve efficiency.


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Customer ordersCollecting and managing data for processing food and beverage orders.Customer name, order details, payment information, table number
Table reservationsHandling data for managing table bookings and reservations.Customer name, contact information, reservation details
Supplier trackingManaging data related to sourcing and managing suppliers.Supplier name, contact information, contract details
Employee schedulingCollecting and managing data for scheduling and managing employee shifts.Employee name, contact information, work schedules


Processing ActivityDescriptionPersonal Data
Sales transactionsHandling data for processing sales and transactions at checkout.Customer name, transaction details, payment information
Loyalty program managementManaging data for customer loyalty programs and rewards.Customer name, contact information, purchase history, loyalty points
Supplier relationsCollecting and managing data for sourcing and managing suppliers.Supplier name, contact information, contract details
Customer feedbackCollecting and analyzing data from customer feedback and reviews.Customer name, contact information, feedback details


There are thousands of different ways organisations can process personal data, but many processing activities are similar within sectors.

Your organisation’s Record of Processing Activities (RoPA) must list and describe the processing activities it carries out.

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